Has anyone been able to import from SketchUp?

Hi there, I have a model in SketchUp I’d like to import into Valence. I’ve tried both obj and usdz. When I import, the model shows in the outliner but nothing appears in the viewport. I’ve also tried to export from Valence to SketchUp with no luck either. Anyone have any tips?

Hi don’t use SketchUp but I’ve exported/Imported to and from Blender and Nomad Sculpt without any issues. One thing i did notices is that you have to watch what measurement you import as. I’ve see if you import in mm, it may be to small and you can’t see it… Attached is a Star Wars Lightsaber I made in Blender, exported as a usdc and imported into Valence. I selected mm as the import metric. The same I used in Blender.

Thanks, it’s buggy, but I finally got it to work. What I had to do was take the mesh out of the hierarchy. When I clicked directly onto the mesh instead of the enclosing folder, it suddenly appeared. Weird. Also, it was gigantic. Thanks for your help.

Hmm. I didn’t do that with Blender. Straight export and import and the hierarchy was pretty much the same.

We really need booleans in Valence. In the saber above, I can’t get the cut in the middle of the saber even close to what blender can do. It even looks better exporting from Blender, rendering in Valence than something I’ve created in valence directly…