I can’t seem to find it in the manual so maybe not there. It would be great to be able to hide components in edit mode to make it easier to model. So I select some polys, hide them so I can easily edit the other stuff.
Isn’t that solo view for object mode? When I try to select a few polygons and press solo, the other polys don’t get hidden.
It’s only for the object.
It would be great to have it on a component level. I would say this is high on the priority list. Selection is really important for modelling and not being able to select easily because the user can’t hide components of a model will frustrate a lot users.
You can select faces and create a submesh, then hide that submesh (using the outliner)
Ok thanks will try this. A bit of a workaround and it would become a whole mess in the outliner imo hiding and unhiding stuff. Temporary hide/unhide would be faster and less clicky.
I wish it was easier on the back end to do this, but alas the current architecture makes this really hard to implement. So creating a submesh and hiding it is the only work around at the moment.