Straighten components

I tried to use scale to straighten a selection of vertices but scale doesn’t seem to do anything. So maybe a dedicated straighten flatten tool could be added in xyz axis. Some other apps have a straighten tool based on selection regardless of their angle.

Correct the scale doesn’t straighten verts. It’s not like Blender’s Scale x, y or z, 0

Blender scale is actually wierd. You can go past 0 and reverse scale into negative. So it’s useless for straightening components. Have to type scalexyz=0 to do it. Blender is kb centric which is why blender would be terrible for tablet workflow.

I would still drop Valence for Blender-iPad in a heart beat … I don’t mind using a keyboard to get the feature set. No rendering, just the hard surface modelling then dump it to my desktop for rendering. I take the train to/from work so I get about 1.5 hours a day to use it.