Expand the knife tool to make custom edgeloops

Creating edgeloops is essential. Since we have the knife tool, would be great for it to have more option if we long press the knife tool.
Options like this pop window in lightwave.

We can click where we want the edgeloop and move it numerically if needed. We can add or delete edgeloops before applying.

Most important is the mirror edgeloops so we have it on the other side with a single click.

You can sort of. When you make the loopcut. Select all edges then select the bevel and drag. It will create a new loop cut and expand the cuts in the opposite direction until you release. Similar to blender.

The other option would to delete half of your mesh and use the mirror.

Thanks! I’ll try it in Val3D but I never liked that method in blender so I’m actually using an addon in blender that does it the same way as max, lightwave, modo.